Comment here on the corporate support section.

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  1. Jean-marc Museux

    Eurostat feedback:

    • Management of statistical confidentiality is wrongly placed: it is not an IT issue. It would be better placed under information management.
    • Manage HR: staff motivation and satisfaction could be included
  2. Alistair Hamilton

    3.6 – Title

    While the title for 3.6 aligns with SN BAM, comments from ABS reviewers highlighted this is an area where both SN BAM and GAMSO could be clarified.

    It is understood that “suppliers” is intended to be a reference to data providers / respondents.  The word can be easily misinterpreted, however, as referring to commercial provides of goods and services for the statistical organization.

    Rather than simply clarifying the wording, however, it is proposed that 3.6 focus more specifically on consumers.  As noted in SN BAM, management of providers related to a particular statistical production process is part of Production.  Wider activities to build and maintain understanding and support among providers can be considered Strategic.  Once these activities are categorised correctly, 3.6 might be 95% about consumers and 5% about providers.  For the sake of GAMSO being strong and “to the point” regarding relationships with the user community, however, it is recommended this category focus only on consumers.

    It is proposed the title be changed to simply Manage Consumers (or similar).

  3. Alistair Hamilton

    3.6 - Description - Comment 1

    SN BAM makes specific reference to services offered by the organization.  GAMSO simply mentions “Manage cross product user support”.

    Given an increasing emphasis on offering data services in addition to (and in preference to) tradition packaged “products”, could the description of 3.6 include reference to supporting users in regard to corporate dissemination services?

    (Within ABS - and it appears more broadly – most modern dissemination services are “cross cutting” by nature.  It is unusual, typically not well matched to user needs, and typically inefficient, to offer a dissemination service which can only access outputs from a single statistical production process.)

  4. Alistair Hamilton

    3.6 - Description - Comment 2

    An ABS member of the team that developed SN BAM notes that statistical literacy was considered by that team to be primarily part of 1.3 (Strategy : Influence and Collaborate).  While the exact term wasn’t used, statistical literacy was considered part of “Build & maintain external statistical excellence” (in an external context) within 1.3.

    Cultivating statistical literacy is a strategic activity.  Given some readers may be interested in specifically that activity, GAMSO could add a specific dot point to 1.3?

    In addition, the dot point “support use externally” in regard to the category 2.4 (“Support capability implementation”) may include an applied focus on ensuring the external user has sufficient statistical literacy to harness/implement the capability effectively.

    It is proposed the dot point on statistical literacy be deleted from 3.6.

    Given some readers may be specifically interested in this activity, GAMSO could add a specific dot point to 1.3?