Name and version: SDMX Content-Oriented Guidelines, Annex 2: Cross-domain Code Lists (2009 version)

Alternative name: Cross-domain Code Lists

Valid: From 2009

Description: Cross-domain Code Lists are related to some of the Cross-domain Concepts. They are, as well, part of the SDMX Content-oriented Guidelines. The use of common code lists would facilitate users to work more efficiently as it eases the maintenance of, and reduces the need for, mapping systems and interfaces delivering data and metadata to users.

There are two groups of code lists:

  • The first group is composed by nine core code lists. These codes are related to the following Cross-Domain Concepts: Observation Status, Confidentiality Status, Decimals, Frequency, Sex (F-Female, M-Male, U-Not specified or unknown, N-Not applicable, T-Total), Time Format, Unit Multiplier, Area and Currency. These are recommend codes. They have a clear and uncontroversial definition and can be used at all stages of the data life cycle. The intention is to recommend further code lists for additional cross-domain concepts;
  • The second group is composed by additional codes that cannot yet be standardized universally, because their definition may be specific to a domain, an organization or a stage of the data life cycle (e.g. units of measurement, institutional sectors, civil status). SDMX expects that over time some of these codes will move to the category of recommended codes.

Intended use:

Code lists may be used at several layers:

  • Dissemination and data exchange/sharing among organizations;
  • Statistical data reporting and production;
  • Internal use (within an institution).

SDMX focuses only on the two first layers for which it is more likely that bilateral or multilateral exchanges take place.

Maintenance organization: SDMX consortium

ISO Standard Number: not applicable


SDMX Cross-domain Code Lists:

SDMX Content-oriented Guidelines:

Relationships to other standards:   Concept Map

The Cross-domain Code Lists are related to the SDMX Cross-domain Concepts which are in turn, a subset of the SDMX Metadata Common Vocabulary.

Language: English

Description last updated / validated: 25 September 2009

  • No labels