

DefinitionFISIM (financial intermediation services indirectly measured) is an indirect measure of the value of financial intermediation services provided, but for which financial institutions do not charge explicitly.
ОпределениеУФПИК (услуги финансового посредничества, измеряемые косвенным образом) - это косвенная мера стоимости предоставляемых услуг финансового посредничества, для получения которой, однако, не требуется непосредственно обращаться к финансовым институтам.
SourceSystem of National Accounts (SNA) Glossary

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Statistical domain2.2 Economic accounts
Link to dataGDP: Output Approach, in Internationally Comparable Prices, by Activity, Measurement, Country and Year
GDP: Output Approach, in National Currency, by Activity, Measurement, Country and Year
GDP: Output Approach, in National Currency, by Activity, Measurement, Country and Quarter