The 2021 Expert meeting on Statistical Data Collection took place online on 27-30 September 2021.

The objective of this expert meeting is to identify innovative ways and best practices in statistical data collection, and to provide a platform for practitioners to exchange experiences and foster collaboration in this area. In addition to the more traditional presentations, the agenda will include target-driven small group discussions and activities to identify best practices and new opportunities. Delegates will be asked to contribute to the development of internationally-coordinated work in the field of statistical data collection.
The world of data collection for official statistics is changing rapidly. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented acceleration of this. The need for reliable and timely data relevant for making decisions, have become even more apparent due to the pandemic. The expert meeting is an opportunity to jointly face these challenges, to share experiences, and to discuss how we can make the legacy become a permanent improvement in our data collection practices. The UNECE Expert Meeting on Statistical Data Collection aims to address these core topics: 

  • Adapting data collection in a crisis context
  • Communication with respondents and data providers
  • Measuring, monitoring and reducing response burden
  • Integration of survey data with other data sources
  • Managing and modernizing Data Collection

Meeting Documents:

Meeting Report

Steering Committee:

Andrea Ascheri

Hakkı Aydoğdu

Kees van Berkel

Ian O'Sullivan

Susan Oudshoorn

Lise Rivais

Paulo Saraiva dos Santos