"Note: there are many relationships between Identifiable Artefact and other information objects; these are not shown in the above diagram."

I can understand why all these relationships are not shown in the diagram, but it would be useful, if possible, in the Note to list up those information objects that do not have a

relationship to Identifiable Artefact. Perhaps this is only Administrative Details or are there more? CSPA LIM V0.9 states in Figure 3 that Process Input is "Not an identifiable object".

That suggests that there are more in GSIM, but how can an implementer know? Perhaps this information is only accessible in the EA files?

Please document which Information Objects are not Identifiable Artefacts and/or for every Information Object document whether it is an Identifiable Artefact


DDI v4 does this for every object. For example see http://lion.ddialliance.org/ddiobjects/conceptsystem


Package: Conceptual
Extends: AnnotatedIdentifiable
Version: 1
Is Abstract: no
Is Pattern: no
AnnotatedIdentifiable itself extends Identifiable: http://lion.ddialliance.org/ddiobjects/identifiable