Organizational changes may be needed in NSOs, the national statistical system and the national system for greenhouse gas inventories to support the production of climate change-related statistics

In the longer run, organizational changes may be needed in NSOs, the national statistical system and the national system for greenhouse gas inventories to support the production of climate change-related statistics. In this regard, NSOs may wish to consider the following issues and actions:

Good Practices

Name of the caseCountry / organizationBrief descriptionResultsDifficultiesFurther information
Example road maps for developing climate change-related statisticsUNECE Steering GroupRob Smith (consultant) developed with the UNECE Steering Group these examples to support countries in the development of official statistics for climate analysis and for the reporting under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)The road maps will help you to:
  • Think about what the priorities are;
  • Understand what data exist and where the gaps are;
  • Discuss with stakeholders to learn about their needs and challenges;
  • Realistically evaluate the available resources and competing priorities.
Need to involve stakeholders and establish new contacts.


Tool to prioritize actions to improve official statistics to meet climate data needsUNECE Steering GroupRob Smith (consultant) developed with the UNECE Steering Group a template including the actions mentioned in the CES Recommendations on Climate Change-related Statistics

The tool will help you to:

  • Review the likely costs of actions;
  • Review the likely time needed for implementation;
  • Review the impact of actions.

This will help to identify priority areas for action in the short term, and actions in the medium and long term.

Using the tool requires subjective assessment of priorities.


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Road Map for the Development of Climate Change-related StatisticsArmeniaA road map following CES recommendations was created outlining specific steps to improve the quality of official statistics and to meet the statistical needs related to climate change.A detailed action plan has been put in place.
National authority for greenhouse gas inventory - experiences and future challengesFinlandDescribes GHG inventory, pros and cons for developing the inventory at NSO and future challengesGHG inventory and energy statistics
- Pros: common database and no additional data collection for the GHG inventory
GHG inventory, energy statistics and EU ETS
- Pros: Collaborate with Energy Market Authority on regular basis, sharing knowledge and expertise
GHG inventory and other statistics
- Pros: comparison with waste statistics, PRODCOM (data on industrial production), provision of data for environmental accounts

- Energy statistics timeseries not updated as frequently and for the same years as in the inventory – comparability issues
- Different rules, coverage and classifications of inventories and energy statistics
- Energy balances to be attached to reporting
- Aim towards an integrated system for producing Energy Statistics and GHG Energy inventory

Regulated task to produce Climate Change Statistics in MexicoMexicoDescribes the institutional architecture (INEGI an autonomous entity and the coordinator of the SNIEG); The "Climate Change Special Program" (PECC) and Climate Change Information Needs; and the General Climate Change Law (and subsequent INEGI's mandates)- Climate change information requirements go beyond the traditional scope of NSOs work. It requires the participation of different agencies, scientific and research institutes and also a lot of geographical information.
- Working on standardization of concepts and provision of information relevant to municipalities and states.

NSO's mandates:
- defining indicators that should be used in the programatic instruments of legal framework
- establishment of indicators to monitor the progress and the results towards the achievement of national objectives

- Identify information needs coming from different policy instruments and a complete set of laws and regulations

- Integrate the new climate change Statistical and Geographical Information System