What is CSPA?

CSPA is a reference architecture for the statistical industry, which has been developed and peer reviewed by the international statistical community. CSPA:

  • covers statistical production across the processes defined by the GSBPM
  • provides a practical link between our conceptual standards – the Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) and the Generic Statistical Business Production Model (GSBPM), and statistical production
  • includes application architecture and associated principles for the delivery of statistical services
  • includes technology architecture and principles - limited to the delivery of statistical services
  • does not prescribe technology environments of statistical organizations.

Together we can do it better

Working collaboratively, we can combine resources to develop better solutions for complex problems and opportunities. CSPA’s collaborative development approach allows the development of good systems quickly and cheaply. We can draw on the breadth and depth of skill across the community and maintain momentum over the longer term. Belonging to an international community reduces individual risk for new developments through additional scrutiny and testing. We can also harness capacity from across the community to insulate individual statistical organizations from budgetary shock.

Who should use CSPA?

Investment decision makers, Architects including Enterprise, Information, Solution, Developers, Business analysts, People involved in international collaboration.

CSPA Implementation Group

The CSPA Implementation Group provides advice to statistical organizations who are planning, designing and developing CSPA compliant Statistical Services. They guide the CSPA compliance of Statistical Services.  Additionally, the CSPA Implementation Group provides practical technical assistance to CSPA implementation projects in statistical organisations when requested – either through their own efforts or through a network of developers in the community. They also update the information into the Investment and Business Capabilities layers of the Global CSPA Catalogue on an annual basis. The members of the CSPA Implementation Group are drawn from a range of backgrounds including IT, enterprise architecture, methodology and standards.

Introductory CSPA Presentation

CSPA Webinar: youtube 

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