Statistical metadata are relevant to all stages of the statistical business process. Many statistical organizations have initially focused on metadata disseminated with statistics. However, they are now increasingly viewing statistical metadata as part of their data collection processes. Part C contains a model of the statistical business process, explanations, good practices and other material to assist metadata developers to design and develop statistical information systems relevant to their business requirements.

The Generic Statistical Business Process Model was approved by the METIS Steering Group in April 2009. It is maintained and regularly updated by the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics. Please go to the Generic Statistical Business Process Model space for further information and the latest updates.

Relevant papers


METIS Workshop on the Statistical Business Process and Metadata Case Studies, March 2009.

METIS Workshop on Part C, July 2007  


From METIS 2008

Metadata requirements for archiving structured data (Canada)

Proposal for a new generic statistical business process model (New Zealand / UNECE)

From METIS 2006

Statistics New Zealand's end-to-end metadata life-cycle (New Zealand)

Metadata to support the survey life cycle (Canada)

Using the metadata in production process - the production tools perspective (Slovenia)

Re-engineering projects focusing on metadata and the statistical cycle (South Africa)

Dissemination of statistical data and metadata - process based on common structure of statistical information (CoSSI) (Finland)

Quality infrastructure system - a case study of an E2E application at ABS (Australia)

Metadata as a crucial starting link in new statistical cycles (Netherlands)

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