



Explanatory Text


Transformable Input


A type of Process Input whose content goes into a Process Step and is changed in some way by the execution of that Process Step. Some or all of the content will be represented in the Transformed Output.

Transformable Input is a sub-type of Process Input. Producers of official statistics often conceptualize data (and sometimes metadata) flowing through the statistical Business Process, having statistical value added by each Process Step and being transformed along the way.

The concept of Transformable Input allows this notional flow of information through the production process to be traced, without confusing these inputs with other inputs - such as Parameter Inputs and Process Support Inputs that are controlling or influencing a particular Process Step but do not "flow through the Business Process" in the same sense. Typical Transformable Inputs are Data Sets and structural metadata (if changed by a process and needed to describe another output or as an object in their own right). 


* Attributes inherited from super-type(s) are not included here

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