Name and version: eXtensible Business Reporting Language - XBRL, version 2.1

Alternative name: XBRL

Valid: From December 2003

Description:  XBRL is the language for e-communication of business and financial data that is revolutionising business reporting around the world. It provides major benefits in the preparation, analysis and communication of business information. Use of XBRL offers to all those involved in supplying or using business and financial data cost savings, greater efficiency, improved accuracy and reliability. Furthermore, use of XBRL alows National Statistical Institutes to diminishs significantly respondents burden.

Intended use: Use of XBRL is intended  for National Statistical Institutes and other national and international bodies operating with business and financial data. Target groups are subject matter statisticians, methodologists  SMS designers and  IT experts. 

Maintenance organization: XBRL Consortium

ISO Standard Number:  not applicable


Relationships to other standards:   Concept Map

Language: English

Description last updated / validated: 4 November 2009

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