Name and version: SDMX Content-Oriented Guidelines, Annex 4: Metadata Common Vocabulary (2009 version)

Alternative name: Metadata Common Vocabulary (MCV)

Valid: From 2009

Description: The Metadata Common Vocabulary (MCV) contains concepts and related definitions that are normally used for building and understanding metadata systems and SDMX data exchange arrangements of international organizations and national data producing agencies.
The MCV is part of the SDMX Content-oriented Guidelines and covers a selected range of metadata concepts:

  • General metadata concepts, useful for providing a general context to metadata (e.g. classification, metadata registry, statistical metadata, statistical production);
  • Metadata terms describing statistical methodologies and data quality (e.g. frequency, data collection method, data revision, source, adjustment, accuracy, timeliness);
  • Terms referring to data and metadata exchange (e.g. bilateral exchange, gateway exchange).

Intended use: MCV is recommended as a single entry point to a common terminology, to be used in order to facilitate communication and understanding.

Maintenance organization: SDMX consortium.

ISO Standard Number: not applicable

References: SDMX Metadata Common Vocabulary:
SDMX Content-oriented Guidelines:

Relationships to other standards:   Concept Map

MCV is closely linked to the Cross-Domain Concepts as it also contains all these concepts, stating their definitions and context descriptions. MCV provides ISO/IEC 11179 compliant definitions for a number of statistical metadata terms. CODED (Eurostat concepts and definitions database) and the OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms contain the MCV terms.

Language: English

Description last updated / validated: 24 September 2009

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