
DOS                Domain, obvious and systematic errors

E&I                 Editing and Imputation

GSBPM          Generic Statistical Business Process Model

GSDEM          Generic Statistical Data Editing Model

GSIM              Generic Statistical Information Model

HH                  Household

HLG-MOS      High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics

ISIC                International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities

IT                    Information and Technology

LA                   Linking and alignment

NACE             Statistical classification of economic activities

NIM                Nearest-Neighbour Imputation Method

MEMOBUST Methodology of Modern Business Statistics

SDE                Statistical Data Editing

STS                 Short-Term Business Statistics

UNECE          United Nations Economic Commission for Europe



The GSDEM version 1.0 was developed by a task team consisted of: Saara Oinonen, Pauli Ollila and Marjo Pyy-Martikainen (Finland), Emmanuel Gros (France), Marco Di Zio, Ugo Guarnera and Orietta Luzi (Italy), Li-Chun Zhang (Norway), Jeroen Pannekoek (Netherlands); and Tetyana Kolomiyets and Steven Vale (UNECE).

Contribution to this version include: Alexander Kowarik (Austria); Darren Gray (Canada); Katrin Walsdorfer (Germany); Olav ten Bosch and Jeroen Pannekoek (Netherlands); Fabiana Rocci, Simona Rosati and Giorgia Simeoni (Italy); Daniel Kilchmann (Switzerland); Fern Leather (U.K.); and InKyung Choi, Taeke Gjaltema and Salome Studer (UNECE).

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