Statsbot Webinar

Side event of the 2020 Workshop on the Modernisation of Official Statistics

Friday 20 November 2020, 13:30-16:00, virtual (Geneva times) - OECD

Main Event: 2020 Workshop on the Modernisation of Official Statistics 18-19 November 2020 (14:00-17:45)

Side Event: Machine Learning Project Webinar 16-17 November (13:30-17:30 CET)

The main purpose of the Statsbots event was to identify areas of joint work and agree on the approach to scope them better that could lead ultimately to relevant project proposal. Participants were invited, ahead of the meeting and based on the documentation provided, to reflect and consult within their organisations and join the workshop with ideas and proposals. Background reports and information were shared ahead of the meeting. Participants were expected to have read them, so that presentation will focus on key findings, so as to save time for discussion.

Friday 20 November



Room opens for testing and connecting

Start of the Workshop

Links to


13:30 Introduction: the case(s) for chatbots in official statistics and workshop agenda

StatsBots Project Report Document

Data accessibility and exploration - Ioana Manolescu presentation

Joint user Research to drive value and innovation - revised with survey results




 StatsBot, a chatbot for official statistics - Two proofs of concept and their lessons learnt

Chatbot for interacting with SDMX Databases (INRIA). Background: Annex 2

The business case for StatsBots (GOLEM.AI). Background: Annex 3

Q&A with the participants


Transition (OECD): lessons learnt in terms of approach to innovation in statistical organisation, driven by systematic user research.


Joint user research to drive value and innovation – Assessing where we are, what we could do together Background: Annex 4

Setting the scene: overview of user research best practices to drive value and innovation (ARTIK). Self-assessment by participants of their organisation’s maturity in user research

Examples of envisaged joint user research projects (ARTIK). Assessment by participants of their appetite for proposed joint user research projects

Concluding remarks: self-assessment results and early identification of priority areas of work.


Conclusion– identifying calls for action and possible next steps. Background: StatsBot project – report to HLG-MOS Executive Board, section 3.3.


Closing Webinar (&overrun time)


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