Input Privacy-preserving Techniques 


Suggested experiments were performed for tracks 1 and 2.
In track 3, the questions for the public consultation have been drawn up. The public consultation has started.
Preparations for the workshop in November have started.

Next Steps

The experiments are completed. Reports are made for each track and overall conclusions are drawn up. The results will be published on the project's public Wiki.

Risks and Issues


Image result for input privacy-preserving techniques

Meta Academy for the Modernization of Official Statistics


We spent the month of September putting together the ModernStats Carpentry proposal, engaging the project group in the creation of the proposal and integrating their feedback in the proposal. 

Next Steps

Risks and Issues


Data Governance for Interoperability Framework 


The team has had ten meetings. Core concepts have been defined and the team members have divided the different sections to speed up the process. The team is creating content to populate the different sections that were agreed. During each meeting, we are reviewing what has been written and the discussion is around what is needed to complement it making use of the experience of the different members of the team. There is a proposal to restructure the document, the idea is to drive the reader through a straightforward process to provide him with the elements to start building a data governance environment to achieve interoperability in her organization. 

Part of the time of this period was dedicated to developing the proposal to extend the project during 2023 as the members are motivated and found that the time this year was mostly dedicated to defining the scope of the work and to agree in the elements that are more relevant for institutions to achieve interoperability.

Next Steps

The team will be working on the improvement of the structure of the document and in the development of contents. It is expected to present the proposal of the extension of the project during the HLG-MOS Workshop on November.

Risks and Issues

Lack of time to finish the work that is being developped
Extension of the project for the 2023 year

News from the Groups

Blue-skies Thinking

Identifying Topics/Opportunities


In September, there was discussion about common challenges facing NSOs in transitioning from proprietary code implementations (such as SAS) to open-source alternatives (such as R/Python). - This has now been developed into an activity proposal.
Rapid survey


No development since the session at the Newport meeting in July. One of the interested stakeholders is now becoming busy with census work, however there is some interest in a possible spin-off activity on non-probabilistic sampling/surveys, which Ireland and New Zealand expressed some interest in.
Digital Twins


An activity proposal for Digital Twins has been drawn up.
Statistical Cloud Use


A group of volunteers has been formed following the summertime Cloud sessions during during meetings in Belgrade and Newport.

This group first met for a brainstorming in September, and on this basis a project proposal has been drawn up by John Conway of CSO Ireland. The way in which work will proceed from this point depends upon whether the project proposal is approved.




Applying Data Science and Modern Methods

Scoping and planning of work


Completed with eight potentail topics identified. Three of them were selected as the activities for 2023 (see below). 

Data Editing


A use case template and some guiding questions have been prepared, together with a detailed use case from the ABS (see here).



A use case template and some guiding questions have been prepared, together with two brief use cases from the INEGI, one from StatsCan, one from the IMF and one from the ONS (see here).

Responsible AI


A literature review that summarises the experience of different NSOs on responsible AI/ML is being conducted (see here). A draft document has been created to facilitate the preparation of the international framework (see here).



There is no Chair of the group yet.

Capabilities and Communication

Future of work toolkits


The questionnaire results were presented during the Brussels workshop.

In terms of new environment and new conditions of hybrid/blended work the three toolkits are supossed to be extended by NSIs.

We are looking for people to join task team for next year to prioritise and run activities.

The Job of the Future 


The questionnaire results were presented during the Brussels workshop.

Next year we plan to continue these activities, especially focusing on role of manager and coming generation Z, but not forgetting about different generations.

Reaching Young People


The questionnaire results were presented during Brussels workshop.

Next year we plan to continue work on these activities.

Ethics Management (Data and Business)


The questionnaire results and outcomes were presented during the Brussels workshop. We had also a special working group in the form of lab and camp focusing on data ethics and data leadership.

We plan to continue work next year on the base of feedback form the Brussels workshop.

Market Research, Digital Marketing & Communication strategies (Strategic Communication Framework follow-up)


The team prepared document on The role of brand management, marketing and crisis communication for Statistical Organizations.

During the Brussels workshop presentation focusing on the Employer Branding was presented as a proposal for activity for next year.

HRMT Workshop 2022


We had very interesting and fruitful meeting.

Results will be base for our activities for next year.


Supporting Standards

GSIM Review


Work ongoing as planned. For details, please check our Github group @

The Task Team also planned its main milestones for this year and the first half of next year (GSIM review to be concluded in 2023, as planned).

Core Ontology for Official Statistics phase 2


Work ongoing as planned.

The Task Team prepared the new version of the COOS, ready for review. The team initiated a public review with a deadline of 25 November. Task Team members suggested experts to involve and the members of the Supporting Standards Group are also all invited to take part; also to involve any interested people/unit in this public review. Experts involved in the previous expert review are also invited to send comments and suggestions on the new version.

For details, please check the COOS public review material @



The Task Team has completed its activities.


Work ongoing as planned.

The group has agreed on the way of work and mappings are currently being produced for selected sub-processes of the GSBPM.

For details, please check our Google doc @

GSBPM overarching processes


The Supporting Standards Group members have indicated their interest in the group but there is no chair yet. After finding a chair to the Task Team, the next step is to set a date for a kick-off discussion.
CSPA capacity building


As CSPA has been a difficult task to launch for long months now (countries are interested but experts are not available to actively participate in the activity), the group will likely propose a different approach with CSPA, in line with a possible new operating model for the Supporting Standards Group (see: "Other" section of this report). Namely, not a Task Team but first a kind of discussion among people with good knowledge on CSPA and its future. More information on this soon.
ModernStats World Workshop 2022


Workshop material, including the meeting report, is available here:

Ideas for future work / possibility for new operating models for the future?

The group is currently working on the activity proposals for 2023 and preparing a presentation for the November workshop on the results and plans.

The group has also started to discuss a different approach with the operations of the Supporting Standards Group: possible switch from model-based to approach to an issue-based approach with the ModernStats models. The Supporting Standards Group needs to discuss the idea first; material is currently being produced for the next meeting of the group in November. Based on the discussion, the group will finalise the new operating model for the future. More details in the next report.


  • The group submitted two special session proposals for the ISI 2023 conference and both proposals have been accepted. Discussions start soon (dates already set) on the overall structure of the sessions, titles and next steps.
  • There are also ongoing discussions with the organising committee of the NTTS 2023 conference about a special session on ModernStats models (not a traditional paper & presentation format but a more direct connection with the audience). Final decision on this is expected very soon.

Machine Learning 2022



Global Data Squad


Research collaboration updates: The ML Group has two theme groups with research focussed activities:

  • Web scraping data theme group - colleagues from Statistics Flanders, TurkStat and Statistics Poland are wrapping up their co-implementation of various projects to create indicators from web scraped data. Report forthcoming.
  • AIS modelling theme group - led by colleagues from CSO Ireland and Norwegian School of Economics, this group is exploring ways to identify port areas with ML and AIS data. Proposal to extend group's activity until March 2023 due to their late start. Currently setting scope and assigning tasks. 


Theme Groups are continuing their regular meetings to exchange experience and discuss best practice. 



Sprint work completed.
Capacity Building


Coffee and Coding session on Git and GitHub will be delivered by Statistics Canada on November 2. 247 participants have registered so far (42 ML Group members, 205 non-members). Recording will be available on public ML website afterwards.


Comms page on wiki updated with latest information on training, talks, research and NSI developments. Planning for annual webinar underway - programme published on wiki here.
The Coordination Team is still keen to hear from organisations that may be interested in taking on some element of the ML Group's work after it closes at the end of this year. Activities include running meetings to share SO use cases and academic research, discussion groups, and training sessions. Discussions underway with Eurostat and UN SD.  
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