Synthetic Data Guide


A draft of the Synthetic Data for National Statistical Organisations: A Starter Guide is now out for review by project members, until 8 November. 

Next Steps

Consolidate the guide based on feedback after 8 November.

Undertake webinar on synthetic data back-to-back with the HLG meeting.

Present an overview of the guide at the UNECE-Eurostat Expert Meeting on Statistical Data Confidentiality in December.

Hackathon expected to take place in the new year.

Risks and Issues


Input Privacy-preserving Techniques 


Agreed structure for a report to document the outputs of the IPPT project.

Drafts on the different chapters to review by the project members.

Setup a program for the webinar on 18th of November.

Draft plan for public consultation.

Two prototype use cases, has been jointly described, realized and tested. One use case is about a simulated environment to validate the concept of multi party privacy preserving Machine Learning (PPML) for both training and inference. The environment was a simulated multi organisational set-up with serveral NSO's gathering data from individuals (sensors) to predict their activities (time use and well-being surveys).

The second use case: 

A national statistical office (NSO) measures the coverage of a data source from a 3rd party, when there is limited trust in an honest - but - curious setting.
a. The encrypted data is provided to the NSO and linked to the NSO data.
b. The measured coverage (point estimate, confidence interval) is provided to the 3rd party.

Next Steps

Webinar on IPPP on 18 November. Further details: Input Privacy-Preservation Project Webinar

Proposals for extension of the IPPT project for the HLG-Mos board.

Organize a public consultancy for a Secure Private Computing-as-a-service.

Finalize the project report 

Risks and Issues


Image result for input privacy-preserving techniques

News from the Groups

Blue-skies Thinking

Identifying Topics/Opportunities


Project proposals:

  • Meta-Academy for the Modernization of Official Statistics
  • Data Governance Framework
  • Extension of IPP project (will be proposed by project team)

StatsBot. Despite the fact that the HLG-MOS workshop in November 2020 expressed quite some support for continuing this project, it has been decided not to submit a new proposal at this stage.

Activity proposals:

-    Digital Twins. Proposal available (BSTN)
-    Future of Work. Proposal upcoming (CapComm)
-    Interacting with Generation Y. Proposal available (CapComm)
-    Mobile Survey Data Collection for Climate Change. Not yet articulated
-    Nowcasting. Not yet articulated

Community proposal:
-    Data Virtualisation. New community idea modelled loosely after ML community.

Network Data


Covid-19 Hotspot Joint Biosecurity Centre Platform


User Research for Official Statistics


Rapid survey systems


From experimentation to implementation in official statistics


A Project Proposal 'Meta-Academy for the Modernization of Official Statistics' has been prepared as a practical implementation.  The purpose of the meta-academy is to raise the standards of virtual learning on topics necessary  for  the  modernization  of  statistics  but  are  missing  or  inconsistent  from academic,  commercial  or  in-house  offerings.  The  meta-academy  project  sets  out  to create a benchmark to better map existing initiatives and offerings in order to better coordinate efforts, reduce duplication and fill in training gaps. This project will facilitate sharing  of  skills  strategies,  as  well  as  catalogues  of  contents  and  pedagogical artefacts,  and  more  generally  good  practices  and  standards  in  that  space,  so  that scopes for reuse or co-creation in learning capabilities can be more easily and more systematically spotted and leveraged by all National Statistical Offices (NSOs).
Microdata for understanding declining response rates


Facebook survey covid19 related symptoms and behaviour


Capabilities and Communication

Future of work, future workplace

 and future skills


Last meeting of the Task Team was on 20 October.

Three toolkits for operating in a new blended environment in the NSO's are almost ready:

Employer toolkit, Employee toolkit and Manager toolkit

Toolkits raise questions for the organization to consider, to identify requirements for the resources to be available for employees, managers or for the employer, to ensure that all necessary structures are in place to promote blended working. Toolkits raise a lot of questions, but not necessarily provide all the answers. One of the gap areas is resources, training materials, organisational policies that will be collected and posted on the dedicated wiki page that will be set up by the UNECE.

Design and look of the toolkits will be improved by communication team in CSO Ireland.

Ethical leadership

 as part of culture evolution 


Last meeting of the Task Team was on 19 October.

Preliminary analysis of the management ethics part of the questionnaire results were circulated.

After the discussion it was proposed to add common vocabulary at the end of the report and a few tables on data ethics to the current draft of the report.

Preliminary report of the analysis will be submitted to the Modernisation Workshop in November.

Part on data ethics will be added to the activity proposal on Ethical Leadership for next year.

Role of market research,

digital marketing & communication strategies

and tools in managing a crisis communication situation

and in promoting public engagement in surveys


During the last meeting on 29 September, team discussed what the final content of the document should be.  

The new version of the document before the meeting was shared: Branding V4

Team members will provide contributions to the different parts of the documents, and afterwards it will be circulated revised version of the document. Countries will also be asked to provide more examples for the Appendix of the document.

Next meeting of the Task Team will be on 3 November.

Strategic Communication Framework Publication


HRMT Workshop 2022


Topic 6



Three activity proposals for 2022 were submitted so far:

The job of the future 

How NSO can reach young people

Ethical Leadership

One more proposal from the Future of Work team on populating wiki platform with resources for the toolkits will be also submitted.

Supporting Standards

Linking GSBPM and GSIM


Work is progressing as scheduled. The remaining tasks will be completed by the end of the year as originally planned so the Task Team will finish everything: mapping and supporting documentation. The Task Team has provided a lot of highly valuable input to the community, especially the GSIM Task Team.

As the mapping activity is very useful for our users to implement/use our ModernStats models faster/easier and also for the "integrated view", the group is on the opinion that moving forward with similar activites in the future could be very beneficial.

Core Ontology for Official Statistics


Work is progressing as scheduled. The expert review with proposed experts is currently ongoing with the deadline of the end of October. The COOS Task Team has delivered key outputs this year, most prominently an ontology specification, a governance document, a URI policy and OWL ontology. 

You can find the COOS main document at It includes links to the formal vocabulary, the governance document and the URI policy.

Next phase of the work is already planned, with special focus on:

  • more links to external models and vocabularies (DDI-CDI, SSN, DQV, etc.)
  • integration of feedback from the expert reviews
  • operationalization: the ontology will be loaded into an RDF database and toy client applications will be developed
  • development of use cases
Updating GSIM


Work is progressing as scheduled. The Task Team has recently closed the issues associated with the Business Group (huge milestone!). Business Group is the most difficult part of GSIM and the discussions have opened the way ahead for a more consistent and harmonised GSIM v2 in the future.

For next year, a full-scale GSIM revision is planned, in line with the user needs (more and more countries are using GSIM) and our new ModernStats Governace Guidance. In order to support our users better, the big issues with GSIM need to be solved quicky thus the current "soft update" will te transformed into a full-scale revision activity. This potential activity for 2022 will be very resource-intensive but it will have a huge impact on usabilty of GSIM and the interoperability of GSIM and the other ModernStats models.



Work is progressing as scheduled. The Task Team is active and has divided its work into 8 smaller groups for the 8 Phases of the GSBPM. The small groups are expected to have their first draft deliverables by the November meeting of the Task Team.

The Task Team is expected to conclude its work in the first half of 2022.

Application of GSBPM for Geospatial Information




Discussion with potential chair ongoing. The CSPA work is expected to launch at the beginning of 2022, given that a chair is found.
ModernStats World Workshop 2022


Not yet started.

The Supporting Standards Group prepared a generic revision policy (ModernStats Governance Guide) for the ModernStats models. Please find it here: (the document is not publicly visible yet, but we plan to make it public by the end of this year).  This new policy will guide - at least in part - the activity proposals for 2022 (especially the GSIM revision).

For the UNECE Modernisation Workshop 2021, the activity proposals are currently being drafted and the presentation for the 20-minute time slot for the SSG is being prepared. Current potential activity proposals for 2022 from the Supporting Standards Group are:

  • GSIM revision
  • COOS Phase 2
  • GSBPM Tasks (finish in 2022)
  • CSPA
  • Linking activity to continue with different focus
  • Data interoperability and data governance: there is an interest within the Supporting Standards Group (synergies with a potential project).

The Supporting Standards Group will have its next meeting on 11th November, during the week before the workshop; to finalize everything for the main event.

Machine Learning 2021



WS1 – Pilot studies: from Idea to Valid solutions


WS2 – From Valid Solution to Production 



WS3 – Data Ethics and Governance


WS4 – On The  Quality of Training Data


WS5 – On The Quality Framework for Statistical Algorithms



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