Template to make the formal adoption of the new practices in the organisation easier, to make sure that their adoption will be solid and that they will not be abandoned

Consolidation plan for

Name of new practice 
Approved by                                                                                                                                       
Approved date 
Overall goal/objective of the new practice 
Short description of new practice 

Strategic relevance




(Business unit(s)/statistical domains)

Modernisation standards supported:
  • GSBPM 
  • GSIM
  • CSPA                                                                                                                                      

Supporting material



List of Actions* needed to ensure stabilisation of the new practice in the organisation:

Action ID                                                                                                                                                                
Name of action 
Short description of action 

Success criteria/

intended outcome

Responsible business unit/person 
Start date 
Due data 
Resource estimate (person-hours) 

Dependent upon these

Action IDs


Prerequisite for these

Action IDs


Mechanism(s) for monitoring the

impact of the action


* Examples of typical actions:

  Prepare for and transfer support of the new practice to Corporate support

  • Business performance and legislation (Benefits (planned, realised), Resources (planned, used), Related practices)
  • Statistical methodology: What are the methods, algorithms or systematic procedures required?
  • Quality: What standards, frameworks, policies and principles are required? (quality indicators)
  • Information and knowledge (Documentation of new practice, Audiovisual communication materials, Archive for documentation of earlier practices, User support (forum, frequently asked questions, implementation experiences))
  • Human Resources: What human resources are required? (Training materials, individual training, collective training, professional development)
  • Finances:
  • IT: What are the IT applications and infrastructure required?



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