In 5.5, the word "units" should be replaced with "statistical units", and the word new inserted before the first occurance of the word "variabl", as below:-


5.5.    Derive new variables and statistical units

This sub-process derives data for new variables and statistical units that are not explicitly provided in the collection, but are needed to deliver the required outputs. It derives new variables by applying arithmetic formulae to one or more of the variables that are already present in the dataset, or applying different model assumptions. This activity may need to be iterative, as some derived variables may themselves be based on other derived variables. It is therefore important to ensure that variables are derived in the correct order. New units may be derived by aggregating or splitting data for collection units, or by various other estimation methods. Examples include deriving households where the collection units are persons, or enterprises where the collection units are legal units.

  • No labels


  1. Meeting 3 April:

    • On "statistical" part: there is no separate concept "statistical unit" but only "unit" exists in GSIM, we should be consistent with GSIM. "Unit" also includes "Statistical Unit". Moreover, we are trying to make GSBPM more inclusive of non-survey data, and for admin source data, there might not be "statistical" unit.
    • On "new" part: not necessary to add, it is rather obvious.

    Action: to check with GSIM Revision group how they think about "statistical unit" vs. "unit". Also, "legal" or "collection" units?

  2. GSIM Revision team agreed not to introduce the distinction in GSIM (can be considered to do at implementation level, maybe include some text in LIM document), see GSIM issue #93