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Georgia: in English | по-русски

Summary of 6 studies

Measuring gender-in-trade in Georgia and Kazakhstan

International trade affects women and men differently due to existing gender disparities in production and consumption, in the labour markets, and due to disparities in access to resources and opportunities. Gender-in-trade statistics identify gender gaps in international trade and inform policymaking for gender equality.

To show the potential of gender-in-trade statistics, studies have been carried out in Georgia in 2021 and in Kazakhstan in 2022. They were conducted for UNECE by Tengiz Tsekvava under the project “Data and statistics for more gender-responsive trade policies in Africa, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia” of the United Nations Development Account (12th tranche).

A summary report consolidates findings from Georgia, Kazakhstan and the four African countries where similar studies were conducted -- Cameroon, Kenya, Senegal and Zimbabwe. The report presents the methodological approaches, overview of the the results and recommendations for future work.

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