Please note that GSIM v2.0 is now available, and that more information about clickable diagrams can be found here. GSIM v2.0 supersedes v1.2.

Clickable GSIM is an interactive way to explore GSIM. There are a number of views through which you can explore. You can look at the entire model on the "GSIM on a page" view, or you can explore the objects in each GSIM group (Base, Business, Concepts, Exchange and Structures).

On these broad views of GSIM, you can click on any objects and it will take you to a page which shows you what other information objects it is related to, as well as the definition and attributes of the object. You can also go straight to the page for an individual object from the list of objects shown in the left hand navigator.

Broad views

See all GSIM objects on a page here
Base Group provides features which are reusable by other objects to support functionality such as identity, versioning etc.
Business Group is used to capture the designs and plans of statistical programs, and the processes undertaken to deliver those programs
Concept Group is used to define the meaning of information to provide understanding of what the data are measuring
Exchange Group is used to catalogue the information that comes in and out of a statistical organization
Structure Group is used to structure information throughout the statistical process 

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